The picture below is one of my favorite that I have seen. Underneath is the comment that I posted on their site, along with a screenshot of the image that I am referring to.
"WOW! I love this picture. What really drew me was the dark, eerie tone from the shadows. I think that the focus on the bright colors from the bricks accentuated itself and created a really good contrast to the bamboo trees in the background. With little exposure and color saturation, it created a very mysterious, yet calming mood (something that I would feel when walking in a forest alone). I love everything about this picture, but one think that I would do differently is to increase the exposure a little bit. I really like how the shadows play in the picture, but I had a hard time looking at the picture. I think that just increasing the exposure will still create the same effect that you may be looking for, while creating an ease to the eye."
The picture above was screenshotted from the website: